We had already reported that Blizzard has now officially announced: the fame hall of the Horde for the mausoleum of the first from WoW: Shadowlands is full . If you now want to earn a place in the hall and the associated rewards, you have to belong to the alliance. The few fighters under the blue lion banner would definitely look forward to one or the other other visitors to the hall. Only twelve alliance communities have so far been able to knock the priest in myth (via the official WoW website).
hard nerfs for boss trio
With the change of ID on May 18, 2022, a hotfix package ended up in the shadowlands of WoW: Shadowlands (source), which should enable one or the other other guild, Anduin, Rygelon or the dungeon master on myth Graduate level of difficulty for the first time. The list of nerfs comprises 15 points:
Anduin Wyrnn The duration of blasphemy was raised to 12 seconds on all levels of difficulty. The duration of lost soul was raised to 40 on all levels of difficulty (were 35 seconds). Tückischer Stern on the mythical level of difficulty now only aims at one player. *After the effect of lost soul has expired on a player, it takes another 20 seconds for it to be the goal of blasphemy (were 10 seconds). *The life points of dark reflections ** were reduced by 15 percent on mythical level of difficulty.
* rygelon * Rygelon's health was reduced by 5 percent on mythical level of difficulty.
Field of the collapsing Quasars now stops on the mythical level of difficulty for 8 seconds (were 6 seconds).
The damage from Dark collapse was 25 percent on the mythical level of difficulty.
*The radius of unstable quasar was reduced by 25 percent on mythical level of difficulty, the damage by 20 percent.
*The damage-over-time effect of cosmic output ** was reduced by 33 percent on mythical level of difficulty.
The dungeon, zovaal Azerit radiation increases the arcane damage by 80 percent (100 percent) to the mythical level of difficulty. The damage from meteor columns was reduced by 10 percent on the mythical level of difficulty. *The initial explosion of Qual now causes 10 percent less damage on all levels of difficulty. *The over-time damage of smashed eruption was reduced by 33 percent on mythical level of difficulty. *The damage from chain breakers ** was reduced by 10 percent on all levels of difficulty.
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